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Մասնագիտությունը ` Քաղցկեղ

Հիվանդանոց: HCG քաղցկեղի կենտրոն

Dr Akshay Kudpaje is a Surgical Oncologist Head & Neck Cancers, trained in Head & Neck cancer management with vast experience. His special interest is Minimally Invasive surgery of Head and Neck (Trans-oral laser microsurgery of vocal cord, Robotic Surgery) & Reconstructive surgeries of Head & Neck region. He is involved in the evaluation and Surgical management of the cancers that affect the mouth, throat, nose, paranasal sinuses, voice box, salivary glands, thyroid and lesions in scalp, face and neck. He also looks into rehabilitation of patients, to help them cope with the functional problems of speech & swallowing post treatment.

Dr Kudpaje along with his clinical commitments is actively involved in research related activities. He has presented in various National & International scientific meetings, published about 10 articles in national & international Journals and co-authored about 8 chapters in a text book. He was awarded for best paper presentation in State & National Otolaryngology Annual meetings and is proud to be part of the dedicated team at HCG Cancer Centre, Bangalore in delivering best care for the patients who come to seek advice and treatment.