Bogga Hore / Shaqada Sanka ee Turkiga

Shaqada Sanka ee Turkiga

Do you wish to change that nose size but you don’t know where to get a quality and affordable place? Well, I have got news for you. Here is all you need to know when choosing a place for your Rhinoplasty.

Waa maxay Rhinoplasty?

Also called “nose job” is plastic surgery that involves the reconstruction of either the bone of the nose, nose’s cartilage, or the nose’s skin, for an improved appearance, boost self-confidence, or to aid breathing, and correct some defect caused birth or trauma.  Rhinoplasty is one of the most widely done plastic surgery.

Rhinoplasty can be:

  • Rhinoplasty xiran
  • Furan rhinoplasty
  • Yaraynta Rhinoplasty
  • Dib-u-eegis Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty xiran

This procedure involves making an indentation inside the nostrils. Mostly done for minor nose reshaping. Here little or no scar is left but access to nasal structures is limited.

Furan rhinoplasty

Here, the incisions which are made inside the nostrils are joined together with a small incision across the columella between the nostrils. It is mostly done for major nose reshaping.

Yaraynta Rhinoplasty

Just as the name implies, it is used to reduce or adjust the nose’s shape, bridge, tip, and size, making it shorter.

Dib-u-eegis Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty is done when the initial procedure is done, whether the aesthetic or breathing purpose, had complications. It is employed to correct such complications.

Why Get Rhinoplasty?

The nose plays an important role in facial appearance. Rhinoplasty is done to improve the size of your nose and enhance your beauty and self-confidence. This is also done in reconstructing a nose that has defects from a severe injury, or complications from birth. It is used to improve breathing.

Why Is Turkey The Best Place To Get A Rhinoplasty?

Since Rhinoplasty has the potential of drastically affecting your appearance, it is necessary when choosing a place for qalliinka qurxinta, the quality to be offered is greatly considered. There is no better place to have a quality rhinoplasty than Turkey. Turkey offers the best services in Rhinoplasty. Turkey has also found a way of offering this service at an affordable cost. Also, the presence of innovative technologies and modern hospitals in Turkey, makes it an ideal place for rhinoplasty.

Cost Of Rhinoplasty In Turkey

Cosmetic surgery across the globe tends to be always expensive but somehow, Turkey has found a way of making their Rhinoplasty cheap. Since Rhinoplasty is not only cosmetic surgery but can be used to correct health problems, a standard procedure thereby can not be fixed. However, Turkey offers an average cost of 1800 pounds to 2000 pounds. Compared to the UK average cost of 6000 pounds, Turkey can be considered cheap. 

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon In Turkey

Most surgeons in Turkey that perform rhinoplasty are surgeons with advanced degrees and abroad training. Little wonder, Turkey has recorded a high success rate in Rhinoplasty.  Anavara, having over 100 connections with surgeons across the globe, can provide you with more information and connect you with skilled surgeons in Turkey. Email noogu soo dir [emailka waa la ilaaliyay].

Best Hospitals In Turkey That Perform Rhinoplasty

Some of the hospitals in Turkey that performs Rhinoplasty surgery:

Macluumaadka lagu bixiyey balooggan waa ujeeddooyin waxbarasho oo keliya mana aha in loo tixgeliyo sidii talo caafimaad. Looguma talagalin in lagu beddelo la-talin caafimaad oo xirfad leh, ogaanshaha, ama daaweynta. Had iyo jeer la tasho bixiye daryeel caafimaad oo aqoon leh ka hor intaadan samaynin wax go'aan ah oo ku saabsan caafimaadkaaga. Akhri wax dheeraad ah