Wisdom Teeth

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When the pain or swelling occurs in the gum area and in the jaw, then the need of wisdom teeth (adult teeth, 2 on the above left and right side, and 2 below left and right side, at the backside) removal arises.   Wisdom Teeth are the last set of molars, which are mostly used […] Read More

Top Doctors For Wisdom Teeth Treatments

Top Hospitals For Wisdom Teeth Treatments

Wisdom Teeth

When the pain or swelling occurs in the gum area and in the jaw, then the need of wisdom teeth (adult teeth, 2 on the above left and right side, and 2 below left and right side, at the backside) removal arises.


Wisdom Teeth are the last set of molars, which are mostly used for the food grinding process. The growth of these teeth starts very late. Mostly when a person’s age is between 17- 26. It is not compulsory that in everyone wisdom teeth are 4, some people may have one, two, or three, people with a good fortune have none. It is said that these teeth are very tough and broad. When the size of the jaw is very small, it can’t handle the pressure of too many teeth, so eruption of the last teeth (wisdom teeth) cause problems. In the worse scenario, the eruption of the wisdom teeth stops after reaching the middle stage or stops even before it starts. 


Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery

  • There will be no further hospital stay as wisdom tooth removal is an outpatient surgery.
  • The use of general or local anesthesia along with some sedation is mandatory.
  • Surgery is performed by an oral surgeon or dentist.
  • The dentist usually come to the conclusion of surgery, after doing some tests.
  • Surgery of wisdom tooth extraction takes around 45-60 mins.
  • The surgeon firstly takes out the gum tissue to reach the tooth.
  • Either wisdom teeth are completely or partly overlapped with bone.
  • Excess bone is removed with the help of dental burs or surgical bars.
  • Bone curettes and artery forceps help to loosen the wisdom tooth from its socket.
  • The dentist divides the tooth into 2-3 parts, so that patient can feel less pain.
  • After that, the loosen tooth is ready for its removal.
  • Extraction forceps are used for final removal.
  • Structures will be used to close the surgical section. 
  • If the sedation is used throughout the procedure, it will be immediately stopped.
  • Because sedation patient can feel, little sick and light-headed, but it won’t bother you after half an hour.
  • A gauze or sponge will be provided to the patient, to stop or reduce the bleeding.
  • The patient can remove the sponge/gauze/absorbent while eating/drinking.
  • You will be taken to the observation room where your bleeding and overall health will be examined.
  • The surgeon will also prescribe you Vicodin and hydrocodone ( pain relievers).

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Healing Process

  • Some people take 4-5 days for the proper healing and the rest takes 2-3 weeks, it depends on the sensitivity level.
  • Chances of infection are high if the wound isn’t completely healed, so till then do take very good care of yourself.
  • Start your regular work but avoid things that can promote blood clotting and keep an eye on your stitches also.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Stop dancing, running, jogging, playing sports, and swimming.
  • Also, avoid using a straw while drinking.

Precautions After Wisdom Tooth Removal

  • Use an ice pack or peas packs 5-7 times a day as this is an effective remedy for wisdom tooth extraction.
  • Cold foods or lukewarm food and soft foods fasten the healing process.
  • You can have mashed potatoes and bananas, soups, smoothies, yogurt, pudding, canned fruits, etc.
  • Avoid eating, crackers, crisps, nuts, apples, carrots, etc.
  • Use gauze or sponge pad for 3-4 days and change it quickly after it fills up with blood.
  • Avoid brushing or flossing for 24 hours – 3 days.
  • Slowly start rinsing the mouth with water and salt.
  • Use 2-3 pillows while sleeping.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory lessens pain. Examples, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc.

What’s The Cost Of Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies extensively according to where you live, how much experience the oral surgeon has, and how many areas you are going to target with your treatment ( number of teeth mostly). The average cost lands between $60-$600.Make sure that you are aware of any costs associated with this procedure. Also, you are blessed with good luck, as the insurance company can cover 30-80% of your cost under this surgery, that means half or almost no out-of-pocket cost as long as you stay under this treatment. Get information about the medical/health insurance from the provider itself. 

Cost of the wisdom tooth extraction also depends on:

  • Upper and lower wisdom teeth
  •  The number of wisdom teeth removal. Cost of lower wisdom teeth is more than upper wisdom teeth. 
  • Level of infection
  • Quantity of anesthesia and sedative.

When To Go Hospital For The First After Surgery Check-up?

One should visit the dentist’s office urgently:

  • When bleeding isn’t stopping after 3-4 hours of the surgery.
  • You are experiencing fever
  • Swelling is increasing
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness

If everything is normal and none of the above is happening then you can go whenever the dentist calls you.

Home Remedies To Relieve From Wisdom Tooth Pain

  1. Keep a piece of raw onion on the affected/injured wisdom teeth, let it stay for 3-5 mins and remove it. Repeat the process, 2-3 times in a day.
  2. Oregano oil, add 3-4 drops of oil in the affected teeth/tooth, let it stay for 5 mins and rinse your mouth with normal water. If pain continues, redo it.
  3. Make a paste of ginger and add some olive oil in it, keep it for 3-5 mins, do it for 2-3 times in a day.

Major Complications Associated With Wisdom Tooth Removal

  • Dry Socket is also known as alveolar osteitis, occurs when you don’t follow the instructions of an oral surgeon or dentist. Happens when you smoke right after the surgery, age is more than 30, you eat crunchy food and when you skip taking the dentist’s prescribed medicines.
  • Nerve damage – This can happen for a short period also and forever also, it creates numbness in tongue, lips, cheeks and jaw, in short, you don’t feel anything there.
  • Too much bleeding in wisdom teeth after surgery can lead to haemorrhage.



The symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth depend on its severity. 

  • Gums become extra red 
  • Gums enlarges due to swelling
  • Awful taste while eating
  • Smelling/ foul breath
  • Tenderness



Wrongly grown wisdom teeth can cause :

  • Cyst ( fluid-filled pouch) development – It may harm jawbone, teeth, and nerves beneath it. 
  • Infection and gum diseases, which become trouble while eating as swelling starts. 
  • It can destroy the second molar which is beside it. 
  • Makes the shape of other teeth uneven by creating an unnecessary crowd.
  • Its cleaning becomes difficult so it initiates tooth decay and cavity formation.
  • Food sticks between 2nd molar and wisdom tooth ( 3rd molar). 



  • For how long one should wait for wisdom teeth removal?

If you don’t have any pain, then there is no need to take out, but if there is pain or you have started feeling symptoms then do not wait for a minute and straightly head to the dentist.

  • What are the benefits of wisdom teeth removal?

If it is hurting you then, its removal comes with tons of benefits.

  1. The bone will no longer suffer from friction and bruising.
  2. You can easily clean the posterior part of the mouth.
  3. It nullifies the chances of cysts and tumours.
  4.  Your mouth will stop the foul smell.
  5. Your gums and jaw will say thanks to you.
  6. Also, it gives you a prominent jawline. Voila!
  • Is it possible to remove wisdom teeth at home on your own?

No, it has many risks, let the dentists and oral surgeons do their work.