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Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant When Everything Is Normal?

Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant When Everything Is Normal?

It can be very frustrating for a couple when they are trying to conceive, especially when they are doing everything right and the results are not showing. While some couples get pregnant on their first try, the journey can last much longer for others. This can also be overwhelming, especially if the couple have tried…

Kardashian Removing BBL

Kardashian Removing BBL

The Brazilian butt lift surgery is fast becoming one of the most performed and popular cosmetic procedures performed in the world. A lot of people are opting to get it due to its increasing popularity, with men and women rushing to get it so that they can have the rounder and curvier buttocks. However, some…

Ovarian Rejuvenation

Ovarian Rejuvenation

As an individual gets older, their body undergoes various changes that will result in a reduced ability to reproduce. This will also impact the quality of their gametes (eggs and sperm). This will ultimately lead to a condition that is referred to as infertility. Due to this, some techniques like ovarian rejuvenation using PRP, which…

Ukraine Surrogacy

Ukraine Surrogacy

Surrogacy has become an increasingly accessible fertility treatment for those who could not previously access it due to the recent advancements in reproductive medicine especially in places like Ukraine and Georgia. This includes individuals who have tried IVF and experienced recurrent pregnancy loss or suffered miscarriages after conceiving naturally. Also, it includes same-sex couples and…

IPs Surrogacy: What You Need to Know

IPs Surrogacy: What You Need to Know

Surrogacy is one of the fastest-developing phenomena in assisted reproductive technology. With the advancements in reproductive medicine, it is becoming increasingly accessible for a lot of people who cannot carry a pregnancy and would have otherwise not had their baby. This includes same-sex couples, queer couples, women with recurrent miscarriages and those that have experienced…

Ini Edo Surrogacy

Ini Edo Surrogacy

Renowned actress Ini Edo revealed that the reason that she decided to use surrogacy to have her child was that she wanted to avoid the issues and problems that arise from single parenthood. In a recent interview, she said that she chose a donor for the peace of mind of her and her baby. The…

Surrogacy Cost in Australia

Surrogacy Cost in Australia

Surrogacy is a form of assisted reproductive technology where a woman who is usually referred to as the surrogate, offers to carry a pregnancy for another person or couple that is referred to as the intended parent or parents. The surrogate then hands the baby over to them after delivery. Surrogacy is a very complex…

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