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IPs Surrogacy: What You Need to Know

IPs Surrogacy: What You Need to Know

Surrogacy is one of the fastest-developing phenomena in assisted reproductive technology. With the advancements in reproductive medicine, it is becoming increasingly accessible for a lot of people who cannot carry a pregnancy and would have otherwise not had their baby. This includes same-sex couples, queer couples, women with recurrent miscarriages and those that have experienced…

Ini Edo Surrogacy

Ini Edo Surrogacy

Renowned actress Ini Edo revealed that the reason that she decided to use surrogacy to have her child was that she wanted to avoid the issues and problems that arise from single parenthood. In a recent interview, she said that she chose a donor for the peace of mind of her and her baby. The…

Surrogacy Cost in Australia

Surrogacy Cost in Australia

Surrogacy is a form of assisted reproductive technology where a woman who is usually referred to as the surrogate, offers to carry a pregnancy for another person or couple that is referred to as the intended parent or parents. The surrogate then hands the baby over to them after delivery. Surrogacy is a very complex…

Elon Musk Surrogacy

Elon Musk Surrogacy

Grimes and Elon Musk welcomed their daughter in December of 2021. Exa Dark Siderael Musk, daughter of Elon Musk, was born via surrogacy. The Canadian singer while reluctant to reveal the presence of their second child to the public, initially said she wasn’t at liberty to speak about it when asked initially. But eventually, she…

Kardashian Surrogate

Kardashian Surrogate

Kim Kardashian’s reason for surrogacy Kim Kardashian and her sister, Khloe Kardashian, have both opted to use surrogacy to welcome children after they previously had children through natural births. In addition to Khloe Kardashian and Tristan’s son, Kim Kardashian’s two youngest children, Chicago and Psalm, were both born through surrogacy. Kim has been very open…

What is Transnational Surrogacy?

What is Transnational Surrogacy?

Transnational Surrogacy can also be referred to as international surrogacy. It is a surrogacy arrangement where a surrogate mother is living in a different country from the intended parents. The surrogate is also usually referred to as the gestational carrier because she is the one carrying the pregnancy. The popular destinations for commercial surrogacy included…

Immunological Infertility

Immunological Infertility

Immunological infertility could explain why couples are trying to get pregnant and not being able to conceive, or when they conceive are unable to keep the pregnancy. Over the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that in a lot of cases, immunological issues play a major part in the above-listed issue. While it…

DNA Fragmentation Test

DNA Fragmentation Test

One kind of male fertility test that quantifies the quantity of damaged DNA in a sperm sample is called DNA fragmentation. The DNA is considered damaged when the strands or chains are broken. All men have some amounts of damage in their DNA, but higher percentages of damage may indicate greater difficulty in achieving and…

Surrogacy in Russia Cost

Surrogacy in Russia Cost

Surrogacy is increasingly becoming an accessible fertility treatment that is used by those who cannot get pregnant or carry a pregnancy. This includes people who have had multiple pregnancy loss or failed IVF cycles, same-sex couples or single females who desire to start their own family. An intented couple might choose to do surrogacy in Russia…

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