Assoc. Prof. Elif Hakko
Hospital: Anadolu Hospital
Infectious Diseases
Elif Hakko, MD, completed her education at Marmara University Medical School. She completed her specialty education in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology at Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Medical School. Hakko, MD, has been working as an infectious disease specialist at Anadolu Medical Center since 2005.
University – Marmara University Medical School, Istanbul
Specialty Education:
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Medical School, Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Department, Istanbul
Marmara University Medical Sciences Institute, Hospital Management Master’s Programme, Istanbul
1) Ozaras R, Mete B, Hakko E, Mert A, Bilir M, Akman C, Ozturk R. Primary antiphospholipid syndrome: a cause of fever of unknown origin. Intern Med. 2003 Apr;42(4):358-61. Review.
2) Ozaras R, Mert A, Hakko E, Tabak F, Ozturk R. Pulmonary, cerebral, and soft tissue nocardiosis. Lancet Infect Dis. 2004 Apr;4(4):222.
3) Hakko E, Mete B, Ozaras R, Tabak F, Ozturk R, Mert A. Levofloxacin-related delirium. Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
4) Mete B, Hakko E, Ozaras R, Ergin S, Yılmaz MH, Mert A, Öztürk R, Tabak F. Herpes encephalitis: 2 case presentations. Flora 2003;8(3),232-236.
5) Tabak F, Hakko E, Mete B, Ozaras R, Mert A, Ozturk R. Is family Screening Necessary in Brucellosis. Infection. 2008 Dec;36(6):575-7. Epub 2008 Nov 14
6) Ozdamar M, Turkoglu S, Hakko E, Bozbas A, Calangu S. Cyclospora cayetanensis infection in two patients with normal immune system in Istanbul. Flora 2007;12 (4):211-214.