Dr. Farooque Ahmed Khan
Specialty: General Medicine/ Surgery
Hospital: Thumbay Hospital, Dubai
Designation: Specialist General and Laparascopic Surgeon.
More than 16 yrs. Of experience as a Laparoscopic and general surgeon in India and in the kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. Trained from Jawaharlal Lal Nehru Medical College, AMU, Aligarh, India. Have received
the diploma in minimal access surgery from Strasbourg University, France. He is a member of the Royal
College of Surgeons of England. A registered physician in the Irish Medical Council. Has performed more
2000 General and Laparoscopic Surgeries. Has special proficiency in minimal invasive (Laparoscopic)
Education: MBBS, MS, MRCS (UK), DMAS (France)
Work Experience: 16 years
Areas of Interest/Expertise
Minimal invasive(Laparoscopic) surgery for Gallbladder diseases, Various Hernias and
General and Laparoscopic surgical management of gastrointestinal diseases.
Thyroid surgeries (for benign and cancer cases)
Breast Surgeries (for benign and cancer cases)
Languages Known: English, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi, Bengali