Prof. Hale Başak Çağlar
Specialty: Cancer
Hospital: Anadolu Hospital
Radiation Oncology
Prof. Dr. Hale Başak Çağlar was born in Ankara on March 29th, 1975. She completed her primary and secondary education at TED Ankara College in between 1981-1992. She completed her education at the Faculty of Medicine / Gazi University in between 1992-1998, and finalized her specialization education at the Radiation Oncology Department / Marmara University in between 1998-2003 with her thesis, titled “Acute skin and pulmonary radiation toxicities in breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in the adjuvant setting”. She worked at the Brachytherapy Unit / Radiation Oncology Department / Faculty of Medicine / Hacettepe University in 2003; at the Radiation Oncology Department / Faculty of Medicine / Marmara University in between 2003-2009; at Harvard Joint Committee / Dana Farber Cancer Institute / Brigham and Maternity Hospital, Harvard University in between 2006-2007. She served as a Assistant Professor at the Radiation Oncology Department / Faculty of Medicine / Marmara University in between 2008-2010, and in the Faculty of Medicine / Acıbadem University in between 2010-2013. While she served as the Chairwoman and Program Director at the Radiation Oncology Department / Faculty of Medicine / Medipol University in between 2013-2015, she further served thereat as the Chairwoman, Program Director, and Professor until 2017. Having started working at the Anadolu Medical Center in 2017, Prof. Dr. Çağlar has been going on serving as a radiation oncology specialist and radiation oncology director since then.
University – Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara 1998
Specialty Training:
Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Radiation Oncology Department, İstanbul 2003
Assistant Professor: Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine, Radiation Oncology Department, İstanbul 2010
Professor: Medipol University, Faculty of Medicine, Radiation Oncology Department, İstanbul 2015
Scientific Projects:
1. Management of Anemia Under Radiochemotherapy (MARCH): An Open Randomized, Multicenter Study of the Effect of NEORECORMON on Treatment Outcome in Patients with Advanced Cervical Cancer Stage IIB-IVA Treated With Primary Simultaneous Radiochemotherapy (Radiotherapy Plus Cisplatin) MO16375. International, Multicentric, Co-Investigator.
2. Kemik Metastazlı Meme Kanserinde Zoledronik Asit Tedavisi Alan Hastalarda Tam Doz Veya Azaltılmış Doz Radyoterapinin Araştırılması (A Randomized Phase IV exploratory trial comparing full dose radiotherapy versus reduced dose in the management of bone metastasis in breast cancer receiving zoledronic acid) Randomized, phase III, multicentric, CZOL446ETR01, National, Co-Investigator.
3. p53 Polimorphisms and Haplotypes in Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer Research Group Study (MEKAG), Co-Investigator