How to Dissolve Fibroadenoma Naturally
Fibroadenomas are solid noncancerous breast tumour that occur most often in women between the ages of 15 and 35. Fibroadenoma, however, remains within the breast tissue.
The texture of a fibroadenoma might be firm, smooth, rubbery or hard, and has a well-defined shape. Sometimes, it won’t even be felt at all.
What are fibroadenoma symptoms?
Fibroadenomas are usually:
- Round with distinct smooth borders.
- Easily moved.
- Firm or rubbery.
- Painless.
What could cause fibroadenoma?
The exact cause of fibroadenomas is unknown, but it might be related to reproductive hormones. Fibroadenomas occur more often during reproductive years.
How is fibroadenoma diagnosed?
Fibroadenoma can be diagnosed with the following:
- Diagnostic mammography: Mammography uses X-rays to produce images (mammogram) of suspicious areas in the breast tissue. Fibroadenoma appears on a mammogram as a breast mass with smooth, round edges, distinct from surrounding breast tissue.
- Breast ultrasound: This uses sound waves to generate pictures of the inside of the breast.
What is the procedure of a fibroadenoma surgery?
Fibroadenoma surgery include:
- Lumpectomy or excisional biopsy: For this procedure, a sample of breast tissue is collected and sent to a lab to check for cancer.
- Cryoablation: A thin, wand-like device (known as cryoprobe) is inserted through the skin to the fibroadenoma. Then a gas is used to freeze and destroy the tissue.
If given the opportunity to manage fibroadenoma surgically or non-surgically, some women will definitely desire a natural means of management. But the question that often lingers is how.
The following are suggested means of naturally dissolving fibroadenoma.
- Get rid of coffee or other caffeinated drinks: Beverages such as coffee, tea, wine or soft drinks contain methylxanthines, which are harmful substances. Methyl xanthine is the substance that stimulate the production of stress hormones, which are strongly associated with breast lumps and breast tenderness. In a study, it was discovered that around 80% of women found significant relief in their symptoms after reducing the intake.
- Ice compression: Ice compression can bring great ease and relief to inflammation and tenderness.
- Fish: Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and mackerel, are really good for hormonal health. They are rich in iodine. Iodine deficiency leads to the development of breast lumps.
- Reduce meat consumption: Livestock, such as cows, chicken and goats, are pumped with hormones. Avoid eating meat during the period your body is high on hormones. And should you have to eat meat, it’s best to buy hormone-free meat.
- Vegetables: Vegetables like parsley, cucumber or cabbage act as diuretics which help in flushing excess fluid out of the body and hence help reduce breast swelling.
- Iodine: Most breast lumps or tenderness is due to iodine deficiency. Iodine are natural supplement, aids the removal of excess oestrogen and also reduce the responsiveness of the body to oestrogen. While the commonest source of iodine is common salt, iodine can also be gotten in great amount from certain foods like cranberries, bananas, prunes, green beans, strawberries or sea vegetables (like kelp, dulse or alaria).
- Red Raspberry leaf: This is an herbal remedy. It balances the hormones and flushes out excess oestrogen. However, it must be taken consistently. Other herbs that may be beneficial include milk thistle, evening primrose oil, false unicorn root or paeonia.
Stress or sleep deprivation affect fibroadenomas in a negative way. Therefore, it is imperative to keep stress levels down.
The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more