What Does the Bible Say About Surrogacy?
Surrogacy is a type of fertility intervention where a third party, referred to as a surrogate agrees to get pregnant and deliver a baby for a couple or an individual called the intended parent or parents. But what does the bible say about surrogacy? Surrogacy is a very complex process that requires a lot of steps in planning and the accomplishment of the procedure. Surrogacy also requires legal advice, counselling, and psychological and mental assessment to determine if the surrogate and even the intended parents are fit for the procedure.

What are the Types of Surrogacy?
There are two types of surrogacy; the traditional and the gestational form of surrogacy. In gestational surrogacy, the embryo is created in vitro in the lab using the sperm and egg obtained from the intended parents or a donor. After creation, the embryo is grown for a few days and then transferred to the uterus of the surrogate, who then carries the baby to term and delivers it. The surrogate and the child do not share any genetic material. In the traditional form of surrogacy, the surrogate uses her eggs to get pregnant. She is artificially inseminated with the sperm that is gotten from the intended father. This method ensures that there is a genetic link or relationship between the surrogate and the baby.
Surrogacy is a controversial topic subject to different laws and regulations in different countries. It is also a controversial topic when it comes to religion, with different religions having different opinions about the practice.
Surrogacy in Christianity
This topic in Christianity elicits different opinions and is an arguable topic. Due to modern facilities, there are a variety of ways for infertile couples to have a child. While adoption is regarded as one of the options, some other couples desire a biological child of their own. They want to experience pregnancy and have a connection to the child that they want to raise. Surrogacy gives a semblance of that wish, albeit through a third party. Although many infertile couples are very passionate about going through the surrogacy experience and journey, there are some serious obstructions in some sects of Christianity. Christian views vary in different sects; some groups frown at surrogacy and do not accept third-party involvement in marriage in any form at all.

What does the bible say about surrogacy?
While some people believe that surrogacy is a fairly new practice, they will find out that surrogacy traces its history to the bible. The closest story is when Abraham’s wife, Sarah, who was unable to carry a child for some reason, gave her servant Hagar, to her husband as his new wife to have a child and build a family through her. This would be referred to as traditional surrogacy in these modern times. Hagar and Sarah’s story did not stop after delivery. Hagar delivered a son called Ishmael. The attachment that is commonly seen in traditional surrogacy between him and Hagar caused a lot of pain to Sarah, Abraham and Hagar, as mentioned in the bible.
This highlighting of the issues caused by surrogacy in the bible has led to many questions about whether surrogacy is considered a sin or forbidden by the bible. The answer to this question is that surrogacy in Christianity is not considered a sin in the bible. However, it raises some questions for the intended parents. They need to carefully consider some issues before embarking on the surrogacy like, who would be the surrogate? Will she be involved in the life of the baby? what about her feelings about the baby?
Children are considered a gift for the parents and not a right in the bible. Having a child is likened to the states of life where while some people are wealthy and prosperous, others are not. God blesses some couples with the fruit of the womb, while others need to pray to God for him to bless them with the gift. This is why some can interpret surrogacy as being rebellious to the will of God in the life of the couple and therefore, a sin. Nonetheless, infertile couples might be permitted to think about utilizing surrogacy after prayerful consideration.
What is the church’s view on surrogacy?
After the emergence of new reproductive technologies, many Christians wanted to know the perspective of the Vatican church. In March 1980, the Vatican issued a 40-page document named “Instruction on Respect for Human Life in its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation”. That document was written not just for the Catholics; it was for all humankind. The Vatican’s view is against all processes of infertility treatments, from artificial insemination to surrogacy.
Since the Vatican strictly forbids abortion, it is also against the experimentation on embryos because the aim of the experimentation is still abortion in the instance that there is any threat either to the embryo or the mother. They are of the view that life begins with conception and that every embryo or fetus possesses a valuable life. They should be respected as human beings. The church believes that there are two purposes for having sexual intercourse, the emotional and for having a baby and that separating these two is wrong. That is why all related experimental acts are not accepted by the church.
They believe that a child has some rights and the parents should not violate these rights. The child should be born in a marriage relationship with a sexual act. Transferring an embryo to the uterus of the surrogate is not morally approved. The document raised various opinions and queries about Christianity. While some viewed it as a positive means of increasing awareness of the issue, many ethicists could not accept the view. In general, the church’s view on surrogacy is very clear, but it is not the final opinion. They want to make people consider the effects of these innovations on the life of people, and make us think before making any decisions.
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