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What is Surrogacy?

Patient A and B are couples willing to have a child, but can not due to certain factors. After consultancy with their doctor, their only hope is to employ the services of a surrogate to help them see their desires of being parents. Taking their doctor’s advice, 9 months later, they were able to hold their child in their arms.

Are you like Patient A and B? Do you desire child but some reasons are holding you from having one? Then there’s no need to worry, surrogacy is just the answer to your situation. 

The rate of surrogacy growth has been picking up over the years. Statistics show that in a space of 4 years, from 2010-2014, the US went from 35,000 to an 89% increase in surrogacy rate. In Britain, 225% of the increase in surrogate babies was recorded from 2008-2014. This should show you how quickly people are adapting to the concept.

As the world changes, it advances and new ideas are embraced. Most countries with restrictions on the surrogacy concept have begun loosening up and becoming more agreeable to the idea. The number of parents with their surrogate babies are on the rise everyday and you shouldn’t be left out.

Here is what you need to know about this procedure. 

What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a situation where intending parents, who are unable to have children due to certain issues, employs the special services a lady to help them with the childbirth. This lady, who is the ‘surrogate’, willingly carries and nurtures a baby in her womb from conception to birth for the intending parents, and at birth, the child is handed over to the intending parents with official parental rights.

Surrogacy is a legal agreement, minded on both parties—the intending parent and the surrogate. The surrogate is paid for her services as stated in the legal document, which was signed by both parties under the supervision of their lawyers.

What Are Your Surrogacy Options?

There are two types of surrogacy you can consider, according to the factors favourable to you.

Traditional Surrogacy

This surrogacy procedure involves the father and the surrogate. The sperm of the father is artificially insemminated into the surrogates womb. When her ovary is fertilized, she carries the child till birth and gives up all parental right to the intending parents. The surrogate is the biological mother of the baby, but will have no claim to the child unless the intending parents decide otherwise. 

Gestational Surrogacy

This is more commonly used around the world. The procedure involves In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The egg of the intending mother is gotten from her, fertilized with the sperm of the intending father, and placed in the womb of the surrogate to gestate. On delivery, the intending parents get all parental rights handed over to them. The intending parents are the biological parents, and the surrogate mother is only a carrier.

What Are The Legal Issues In Surrogacy?

Legal considerations on surrogacy depends on the country you decide on having a surrogacy contract with. Some countries are still trying to adapt to the idea of surrogacy, making stiff laws that limit the rate at which the practice is carried out, or making it possible for only altruistic surrogacy to be possible. Some countries, like the US, have been all embracing, even commercializing the procedure enough for foreigners to come in for it. While some do not want to be associated with it, placing a ban on it.

When thinking your options, find a country embracive of the procedure. What are the laws? Are they stiff or flexible? Are the requirements of parental right claim too tasking? A surrogacy agency can help you choose your options wisely.

Which Countries Have Gone Commercial With Surrogacy?

These are the list of countries you can choose from for your surrogacy option.

  1. The US
  2. Canada
  3. Ukraine
  4. Russia
  5. Georgia
  6. Greece
  7. India

How Do You Select A Surrogate?

Choosing a surrogate is up to you. You have to select someone you are comfortable with and have little or no doubts about. However, even though selecting a surrogate is your responsibility, the surrogate should meet the following requisites:

  • Not be less than 21 years.
  • Should be mentally and physically screened for and psychological and/or health issues.
  • Should have been a mother at least once, so she can understand the concept of childbirth.
  • Should have all legal contract signed, stating the requirements from both parties.

How Do You Find A Surrogate?

Except when it is an altruism surrogacy, where a family member or a good person gets to be your surrogate without any financial commitment on your path, surrogates are not easy to come across. As you do know, altruistic surrogacy is one of the hardest surrogacy to come across because people will rather go commercial. 

So when looking for a surrogate, it is advisable to contact a surrogacy agency. Surrogates mostly enroll with these agencies to help link them to people who are in need of a surrogate. Therefore, when finding a surrogate, use the help of a surrogacy agency to help you do that.

What Are The Financial Commitments Involved In Surrogacy?

The cost involved in hiring a surrogate is often based on the country, the surrogacy agency, and the surrogate. If you want to make an estimate, it is better to get in touch with an agency and make enquiries. An estimate can give you guide on how to start planning.

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The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or legal advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more