Get Rid of External Hemorrhoids in 48 Hours
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles are inflamed veins that can cause lumps around the anus, and can cause quite some pain. They can be internal or external, and an individual can have both at the same time. The external hemorrhoids occur under the skin that surrounds the anus. Internal hemorrhoids can happen inside the anus or the rectum. Internal hemorrhoids can sometimes fall outside the anus, but they can usually be pushed back inside. Both of the hemorrhoid types often go away on their own, but they may require medical attention in some cases. Depending on the location of the hemorrhoid, they can lead to bleeding, itching, pain, or other discomfort. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, unlike the external hemorrhoid. So, we will discuss how to get rid of external hemorrhoids in 48 hours right here.

What are the causes of external hemorrhoids?
These are when one or more tender bumps form beneath the skin surrounding the anus. They are dilated blood vessels that become so enlarged they protrude. The blood may clot or form a thrombus in the protruding vessel, leading to a hard lump that may cause quite some pain. External and internal hemorrhoids are caused by many of the same issues. They include:
- Sitting on the toilet for a long time – This puts pressure on the tissues around the rectum and the anus.
- Straining while defecating – This is the most common cause of external hemorrhoids. Repeated straining when having a bowel movement which can be caused by diarrhea or constipation can cause the pooling of blood in the area.
- Obesity – This has been associated with hemorrhoids
- Pregnancy – This has been associated with hemorrhoids due to the increased pressure of the abdomen on these veins
- Heavy lifting – People who frequently lift heavy objects are at a higher risk of hemorrhoids.
- Aging – As an individual ages, the tissues tend to weaken around the anus and the rectum.
- Not eating enough fiber – A low-fiber diet can lead to constipation, which in turn leads to hemorrhoids.
What are the symptoms of external hemorrhoids?
A range of symptoms can affect a person with external hemorrhoids, and those that are seen will depend on the severity of the condition. Some of the symptoms may include:
- Itching around the anus or the rectal area
- Aches or pain around the anus, especially when sitting down
- Bluish, tender lumps on the skin close to the anus opening
There may also be bleeding when pooping. This can include seeing blood with the poop or when wiping with tissue paper. The lumps around the anus may also feel as if they are swollen. The larger external hemorrhoids may make it difficult to properly clean the anal area. The symptoms of external hemorrhoids may go away after a few days as the body gradually reabsorbs them over time.
How are hemorrhoids diagnosed?
This usually is done by a doctor, and the history and symptoms of the patient are taken. A physical exam may also be conducted. In the case of external hemorrhoids, they will be seen on examination of the anal area. A digital rectum exam and anoscopy to check for internal hemorrhoids or any other issues are also carried out. A digital rectal exam is done by the doctor using a lubricated finger. An anoscopy is done using a device which is inserted into the anus to enable visualizing of any abnormalities. In the case of rectal bleeding, a colonoscopy or a sigmoidoscopy will also be requested by the doctor to rule out colorectal cancer.
Home Remedies to get rid of hemorrhoids quickly: Get Rid of External Hemorrhoids in 48 Hours
The time it takes for hemorrhoids to subside depends on their severity. The minor hemorrhoids go away on their own after just a few days, while the more severe ones may take months to show signs of improvement. Complicated hemorrhoids may not go away even with prescriptions and home remedies. Those may need surgical hemorrhoid removal if they continue to cause problems. That being said, some home remedies to help get rid of hemorrhoids include:
- Increase water intake – This will help prevent constipation and soften the stool. The amount of water to drink is not laid down, but if constipated check with a healthcare professional for insight on how much water to take in a day.
- Increase fiber intake – Fiber is beneficial to most people. The daily recommended amounts are 25g for women and 38g for men. An increase in the fiber will help add bulk to the stool and prevent constipation.
- Improve toilet habits – Reducing the time spent on the toilet can help prevent prolonged sitting and straining which can worsen the hemorrhoid symptoms. Removing all distractions like reading materials and phones can help in getting off the toilet quickly.
- Increase physical activity – Being physically active can help improve many body conditions including hemorrhoids. It can help by making bowel movements more regular, which will lessen straining and reduce constipation. Some exercises like weight lifting and squats can worsen hemorrhoids, but most other exercises help with the symptoms like swimming, walking, etc.
- Sitz bath – This can help get rid of hemorrhoids and decrease uncomfortable symptoms. It can be taken several times a day or as needed to relieve the symptoms. Warm water alone can help. Additions like Epsom salts can also be used.
Non-Surgical Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Healthcare professionals may recommend enemas, suppositories, or topical creams, which can all help decrease the inflammation of hemorrhoids. If these don’t work, or if the hemorrhoids are big, they may be referred to a surgeon. The surgeon or specialist might adopt non-surgical or surgical methods to treat the conditions. The non-surgical methods include:
- Rubber band ligation – Placing of a rubber band at the base of the hemorrhoid to cut its blood supply. It is used only for internal hemorrhoids.
- Sclerotherapy – Injection of a chemical solution into the area around the hemorrhoids, which damages the blood vessels causing them to shrink and scarify.
- Electrocoagulation – Using an electric current to damage the hemorrhoids.
- Infrared coagulation – Using infrared to quickly heat the blood vessels, causing the hemorrhoids to clot and scar.
Surgical Remedies for Hemorrhoids
Surgical procedures are done in the operating room with a form of anesthesia. They can be done for both internal and external hemorrhoids. They include:
- Hemorrhoidectomy – A surgery done to cut out and remove the hemorrhoids. It is the most effective procedure for handling hemorrhoids.
- Hemorrhoid stapling – The hemorrhoid tissue is stapled in this procedure; it is also a surgical procedure.
The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or legal advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more