What Is Liposuction
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What Is Liposuction, How It Works ?

Liposuction is a procedure which helps to remove unwanted fat from the various areas of the body with its suction technique. Broadly named as body contouring, lipoplasty, lipectomy and lipo. The cannula (fat cutting thin and hollow tube) sucks extra fat from the parts such as arms, thighs, stomach, neck, chin, hips, calf, etc. 

Liposuction is very famous and in demand, in countries like US and UK, both the places have morbidly obese patients and after trying and failing in several crash diets and exercises they opt liposuction. People have misconceptions about liposuction and often think it as a weight loss surgery but no this is an entirely different procedure which contains serious side effects also. But it is beneficial in medical conditions. Have a word with your doctor and clear all the doubts before selecting liposuction.

What Is Liposuction
Picture courtesy: Freepik

Types Of Liposuction

A ton of liposuction options are available for each and every body type. Some types are listed below.


Vaser liposuction divides the fat cells from the layered tissues, after detaching it with the skin, makes the fat cells loose, soft and easily tender, eventually fat becomes easily removable. The full form of VASER is Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. This ultrasound technique, melts fat gently and breaks the chain between fat cells and discontinues its formation. Vaser liposuction is extremely advantageous in melting very stubborn body fat. As this is totally opposite from the old traditional methods, it is quick, subtle, a patient doesn’t get much pain and recovers in less time.

Very skilled and well- trained surgeons can only take VASER liposuction surgery in hand. Do not expect to lose more than 15-20 pounds as this is not weight loss surgery, this surgery’s main aim is to remove fat deposits instantly.


When fats get stored below your chin, it forms a layer, and a double chin appears. Usually seen in people who are already overweight and in people with instant weight gain. But double appears in thin and balanced body people also because genes are involved sometimes and also people with loose skin can have a double chin as well.

For such people, liposuction methods are available which are long-lasting and might help you to get a sharp jawline. After chin liposuction treatment, you will be able to see results within 5-7 days. This surgery lasts for 7-10 year.


This helps to remove the fat from the face and reshapes it. People with huge cheeks and very thin hair choose this procedure. Doctors generally mark the face and discard the unnecessary part.


A mixture of saline water and epinephrine, generally known as Klein’s solution, is inserted in the surgical area and then the doctor numbs it for a short period so that the person doesn’t feel pain and discomfort. During the procedure, 3-6 incisions are made and epinephrine helps in vasoconstriction to reduce the bleeding. 

This procedure takes 2-3 hours though it is time taking it sucks 3-4 litre of fat from a particular area, also there is no need to worry about as this is one of the safest options. One can resume a job or college after 3-4 days after the surgery.


Fibre-optic lasers are used by adjusting wavelengths and fat cells get dislodged in Laser liposuction. Generous use of vacuum suction is done throughout the process. The best thing about laser liposuction is that the patient doesn’t feel any pain, swelling and redness is not visible during the process. But after the procedure one can feel weakness or dizziness because when fat cells are removed they are near to your bloodstream.


This is one of the oldest methods of Liposuction, Sono Bello doesn’t work with advanced techniques so it is typically done with a manual technique. This is based on laser and refines a person’s body parts. The best thing about sonobello liposuction is that insurance is acceptable.

Liposuction Cost


This is chosen by patient surgery and doesn’t involve any kind of urgency or emergency so obviously vaser lipo doesn’t come under insurance. On your first visit ask your doctor to sum up the main and additional cost. On an average, the cost for vaser lipo is $3500-$6000.

To safeguard yourself, take a leave of 3-4 days from the job, no matter what the job is, because earning less money and to get fired is easy than the risks and complications of this surgery.


Tumescent liposuction costs $2000 – $7000 . Also, price range can fluctuate with anaesthesia quality and quantity, a total number of surgical areas, surgeon’s popularity and size of the treatment part. Above mentioned costs may include the surgeon’s fees, anaesthesia, after treatment kit, check-up visits, etc.


Laser Liposuction’s cost is  $4000, on average. These types of procedures are divided into 7-8 parts of different sessions, so easily each session costs a minimum $500.


As this doesn’t require any more equipment, price is lesser than other liposuction treatments, somewhere around between $2000 to $4000.

Liposuction Risk Factors And Side Effects 


It is popular because it has minimum risks but still has. 

  • Swelling in surgery for 1-2 weeks.
  • Hanging skin that doesn’t match the body skin this happens mostly in stomach liposuction.
  • Lipo scars, which starts increasing
  • Skin becomes uneven 
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Pain and Bruising
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin infections

All these risk factors can become a hurdle in your life but after liposuction, one should be ready to commit to a healthy diet and any form of exercise otherwise the weight can increase in a short period.



  • Choose the right doctor as you can’t trust any random doctor because if not done properly some serious complications can occur and can stay for life. So do hard work on choosing and doctor, never rush into things.
  • Make a list of all the medicines that you are taking on a regular basis and give it to your doctor, if you already have BP, diabetes, asthma, etc. then the doctor can give differently than the normal alternative options. 
  • As your blood loss will happen in Vaser liposuction, stop taking blood-thinning medicines, such as heparin, warfarin or Xarelto, at least 2-3 weeks before the treatment.
  • Stop taking alcohol and psychoactive drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or heroin 1-2 days before the treatment. 
  • Expect extra information about what to do and what not to do before the procedure from your doctor and execute doctor’s advice in your life.


  • For a few weeks wear doctor’s give garment if not possible for weeks 24/7, you can remove it during dressing and bathing.
  • Swelling, bruising and pain will happen. It is very normal.
  • Start doing some sort of activities such as walking, water planting, lawn mowing surprisingly this helps in the healing process.
  • Don’t use non-medicated cloth or cotton to clean the affected area, always keep a stock of medicated sterilized cotton. 
  • Keep drinking water, juices, green tea and coconut water,  dehydration can’t be tolerated by your body.
  • Your body’s lipo scars will gradually fade.
  • Your surgeon will organise, observation session 10-12 days after the surgery and the number of further appointments, medicines and healing lotions depends on the healing process.


In some, it takes plenty of time to recover while in some recovery starts from the next of the treatment. But give 3-4 weeks to yourself, as surgery doesn’t come with a miracle cure. Some people start complaining and get disappointed when they don’t see the expected outcome but patience is the key, give time.


Tumescent can be done in the parts such as the neck, back, legs, arms, hips and stomach.


  • Caffeine intake should be strictly prohibited 1 day before the surgery.
  • Asthma medicines after discussing with the doctor, stop taking before 1-2 days.
  • Also, ephedrines are not allowed before tumescent liposuction.


  •   Muscle soreness will happen
  • Don’t touch surgical area 
  • Use a bandage to cover it properly.
  • Keep elastic clothing on the body.
  • Lymphatic massage can perform miracles
  • Begin to use small adits
  • To get rid of bruising, use adhesive foam pads


Most patients can start their work in 5-6 days if their work involves just sitting in front computers but physical workers such as electrician, construction labourers should take rest for 2 weeks.



  • Avoid eating food on the surgery day, I mean before surgery only.
  • To stop the cravings have a cup of green tea.
  • Eat easily digestible food 6-7 hours before the surgery.


  • Start applying coconut or olive oil, very effective and tightens the skin.
  • For hanging skin, skin tightening treatment is a good option.
  • Minimize intake of sugary food and drinks to maintain the weight.
  • Indulge in weight training exercises at least 3 times in a week,once everything gets normal.
  • Requirement might take ample time so if you have small kids around, hire a caretaker so that you can focus on your recovery.
  • Cook food which is storable so that you can microwave it for 2 days if you are staying alone.


  • Limit your activity.
  • Don’t stay up late at nights
  • Don’t bend 
  • Eat fibre and iron-rich food quick and filling things include smoothies, nuts, protein bars,etc.

FAQs :

  • What Are  Advantages Of Liposuctions For Men ?
  1. Men have extra tired stomachs.e. men have big tummies so this procedure will remove an extra irritating tire.
  2. Fat guys have bigger breasts than women and it feels so embarrassing so lipoplasty also helps to get rid of those male boobs (gynecomastia)
  3. Men’s skin is tighter than women’s skin so it retains the moisture and keeps it healthy and less hanging.
  • Which Liposuction Techniques Are Best For Full Body?

To reshape the entire body in one go full body liposuction is available. Tumescent, laser and sono bello is considered to be the effective ones.

  • Does Liposuction Work?

Yes, to some extent but needs extra care once it’s done, follow a diet regime and hit the gyms as 40% people gained weight in 1-2 years so if you want long term results you need to lift your butt from the couch.

  • Which is effective, liposuction or tummy tuck?

Liposuction – Liposuction is like an instant gateway it helps to get rid of the fat quickly but doesn’t help in skin tightening.

Tummy Tuck – This is like a big fat holiday trip, it makes skin less stretchy.

Liposuction – It causes less pain as the procedure involves less scarring and incisions so recovery time is quick.

Tummy Tuck – This is very beneficial for the women after pregnancy as it adds symmetry in stomach and abdomen regions.

Liposuction – If your abdominal wall is balanced but your body is storing fat in other areas then obviously liposuction works wonders.

Tummy Tuck – If your body is in proper shape except the tummy, then go for tummy tuck.

Liposuction – This procedure is less costly, with short term benefits.

Tummy Tuck – This is expensive with long term benefits.

All in all, both are good in their own ways, just think about your preferences.

  • Which is effective, cool sculpting or liposuction?

     CoolSculpting – When your main concern is to do surgery without any incisions, cuts or scars in short if you want to take a non-surgical road then cool sculpting is suitable.

Liposuction – This has tons of categories for incisive but reliable treatment seekers.

CoolSculpting – people who are eagerly trying to say goodbye to their love handles and fat pockets follow the path of cool sculpting. 

Liposuction – On the next day of the treatment you can do high intensity exercise in the gym.

CoolSculpting – Stays intact for at least 1 year.

  • What’s The Cost Of Full Body Liposuction?

Full body liposuction’s cost is $12000 – $15000.

The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or legal advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more

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