Tandem IVF in Cyprus
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Tandem IVF in Cyprus

Tandem IVF in Cyprus is a type of assisted reproductive technology that is ideal for women who are advanced in age. Due to the fact that many women in their 40s find it difficult to conceive with their eggs and their fertility is reduced, IVF success rates in this group are very low. The reduction in fertility can be attributed to low ovarian reserves and a decline in egg quality. However, this does not mean that a woman who is over the age of 40 cannot conceive. On the contrary, women above 40 can successfully conceive and have a healthy pregnancy if appropriate fertility treatment is tailored to their individual needs.

tandem IVF
Picture courtesy: emBIO fertility center

At birth, women have about 2 million eggs. This number drops to about 400 thousand when they attain puberty. The number constantly declines over time and by the time the woman reaches her late 30s, she is left with about 27 thousand eggs. Diminished ovarian reserve is a normal part of aging. It can be defined as the loss or reduction of the reproductive potential of a woman due to a small quantity or poor quality eggs as a result of aging. The exact age at which this occurs varies in different women. Some will still have good-quality eggs in their 40s while some others begin to lose their fertility in their 30s. Some other factors can affect the ovarian reserve including cancer, surgeries, injuries, etc.

What is Tandem IVF Cycle?

The Tandem IVF cycle is a fertility treatment that is suited for women with diminished but not completely finished ovarian reserves, which is indicated by low anti-mullerian hormone levels, high follicle-stimulating hormone levels as well as a low antral follicle count. It is suited for women who have very minimal chances of conceiving using their own eggs. The woman is then given a chance to get pregnant using a combination of their own eggs as well as donor eggs. This type of treatment has been gaining popularity over the years, especially in Cyprus. It is targeted at giving women with diminished ovarian reserve a shot at pregnancy with their own eggs as well as donor eggs as a backup. 

tandem IVF cycle
Picture courtesy: caspiancoastivfcenter.com

The tandem cycle allows the patient to receive a lower dose of ovarian stimulation medication due to the fact that only a few quality eggs can be gotten from them. At the end of the process, the patient then has a combination of their own eggs and donor eggs to choose from in their IVF process. This also allows the patient to have the option in case of a failed cycle or when they want to have another child as they are able to freeze the donor eggs that they do not use. This enables the patient to have the chance of having options without having to go through two separate cycles to achieve them. This is why the tandem IVF cycle is seen as an excellent option for women who are not ready to give up their ambition of conceiving using their own eggs but are also aware that the likelihood of success with their own eggs will be minimal. 

In Cyprus, there are clinics that have been providing this tandem IVF cycle for years. Recent advances have some of these clinics combine the tandem IVF clinic with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in order to maximize the chances of success of the IVF procedure. ICSI is an effective method of egg fertilization with sperm in a laboratory. The patients have to undergo some screening and tests before they can learn of the appropriate treatment protocol for them. This is due to the uniqueness of each individual and the peculiarities of their cases. 

The patients also provide some information about themselves like their physical features, blood type, rhesus factor status, etc. This information will help in the search for suitable egg donors who have the characteristics or qualities that are desired by the patient. Some patients also like to know details about the donors like their previous donation history and the success rates of the IVF procedure with the donor’s eggs.

What are the success rates of tandem IVF cycles?

The success rates of tandem IVF cycles are very similar to the success rates of IVF that are done with donor eggs. This is due to the fact that the patient’s eggs are augmented with the eggs from a younger, healthy donor whose chances of producing quality eggs that will result in healthy embryos and successful pregnancies are high.

What are the qualities of egg donors in Cyprus?

The women who are suitable for egg donation in Cyprus are healthy, young women who are between the ages of 21 and 28. The donors willingly choose and volunteer to donate their eggs in order to help couples who are going through difficulties in conception and fertility challenges. Some of the qualities that qualify a woman to be a donor include:

  • They are non-smokers
  • They do not have any history of substance abuse
  • They have tested negative for any sexually transmitted infection
  • They have tested negative for hepatitis B and C
  • They have an ideal BMI of between 18-30.5
  • They submit to the screening process of the agency
  • They are willing to complete the tandem IVF cycle

What are the advantages of the tandem IVF cycle in Cyprus?

Some of the benefits of the tandem IVF cycle in Cyprus include the following:

  • The cycle makes it possible for women who are past the age of 40 to get pregnant and have a child.
  • The egg donation program gives the clients a measure of control over the process of their IVF.
  • The egg donation cycle successfully bypasses a number of fertility issues in a woman that is related to egg production or poor egg quality.
  • The program also costs less than seen in other fertility clinics in other countries. Plus, the egg donation program also comes in a package that includes hotel accommodation, transportation, and many other services.

The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or legal advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more

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