BBL and BMI: Is There a Weight Limit for the Procedure
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BBL and BMI: Is There a Weight Limit for the Procedure?

Brazilian butt lift (BBL) surgery is becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. Due to its increasing popularity, a lot of men and women everywhere are turning to the BBL to help them achieve rounder and perkier buttocks. However, some patients often wonder if being overweight based on BMI will prevent them from qualifying for a BBL procedure.

What is a BBL Surgery?

BBL and BMI: Is There a Weight Limit for the Procedure - skinny bbl
Picture courtesy: Seduction Cosmetic Center

A Brazilian butt lift is a buttock reshaping procedure that involves the transfer of fat from one area of a patient’s body to the butt for an enhanced structural change. During a BBL surgery, fat is gotten from the thighs, the sides, and the abdominal area via liposuction. The fat cells are purified and prepared for transfer in syringes. Then the fat is strategically injected into the butt in thin precise layers. The surgeon during the injection manually massages the fat between each fat injection, in order to properly mold a beautiful butt shape. The added advantage of a BBL procedure is the slimming of the areas where the liposuction was carried out, thus making them more contoured.

BBL and BMI: Is There a Weight Limit for the Procedure?

Since the fat used in the procedure is gotten from the patient’s own body, the patient must have enough extra fat available in order to be considered eligible for the procedure. While there is no ideal weight for a BBL surgery, the BMI, the body fat percentage, the body fat distribution, and some other factors are considered by the surgeon to determine if the patient qualifies for the surgery. However, patients with a normal to slightly higher BMI are more likely to have enough fat accessible to be candidates for the BBL procedure. The amount of fat required can also vary depending on different things like the patient’s body type, the desired outcome, and other factors.

BBL and BMI:
Picture courtesy: The Plastic Surgery Group

Can overweight people get BBL surgery?

It is a common misconception when people assume that overweight men and women already have their desired curvy and shapely butts. Everybody carries their weight differently, and a lot of people that are overweight have very flat butts. For some individuals, a BBL may be the perfect way to balance out their curves and produce a more aesthetically pleasing body shape and proportions. However, it is important to note that any kind of surgical procedure done on an overweight person carries significant pre and post-operative risks. Some of these risks include:

  • Delayed wound healing
  • Infection
  • Slower surgical recovery
  • Anesthetic risks
  • Unsatisfactory results

This is why a careful consultation is needed, where the patient is thoroughly examined, their health and medical history taken, and other factors properly evaluated in order to determine if the BBL surgery can be safely carried out. Some of the factors examined include:

  • Weight
  • BMI
  • Amount and location of fat
  • Physical activity levels
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Health history and overall health
  • Previous surgery history and anesthesia experience

Can a person be too skinny for BBL?

For patients with very low BMI or body fat percentage, BBL surgery may not be an option. In these cases, the surgeon will usually recommend a butt augmentation with implants which is considered an alternative to a BBL surgery. Also, patients with moderate to severe skin laxity or a sagging butt may be better suited to the more traditional butt lift surgery, which involves skin removal to achieve a tighter and more natural shape. A BMI of less than 22 is usually considered a skinny BBL BMI because it is sometimes a bit challenging to harvest enough fat for the procedure.

Can a person gain weight in preparation for a BBL?

While overweight patients often wonder if they should lose weight before a BBL surgery, patients that have very little available excess fat ask if it is acceptable for them to gain weight before a BBL surgery. In both cases, making sudden significant changes to the weight before a BBL procedure can significantly alter the long-term results of the procedure. This is unless the patient is committed to maintaining those new weight changes. An example of this is when a person gains weight to qualify for a BBL, and then after the procedure loses the gained weight. 

The transferred fat cells will shrink and be lost along with the other body fat, which will reverse the initial results of the procedure. This can happen in the reverse case where a patient loses weight for the procedure and later gains the weight back. The patient may be left with less than an ideal new shape after the weight gain. However, before the procedure, a surgeon will usually advise a patient on the best course of action, that will properly prepare a patient’s body for a successful and long-lasting surgical result.

What is the ideal BBL weight based on the BMI?

A BBL surgery should only be considered by healthy, non-smoking patients who have adequate extra fat that can be collected and transferred. While there is no maximum or minimum weight required for a BBL procedure, the surgeon will likely evaluate the patient’s personal dynamics like weight, BMI, and other factors to identify if they are a good surgical candidate. The surgeon determines the BBL weight calculator. The highest BMI for a BBL surgery is usually between 30 and 32. It should ideally be less based on the BMI calculator.

BBL and BMI: Is There a Weight Limit for the Procedure - BMI calculator
Picture courtesy: Cosmeticsurg

How to prepare for a BBL surgery

Patients need to know how to prepare for a BBL surgery before the date of the surgery. Patients will be strongly advised to maintain a steady weight and not make any sudden drastic changes to their weight to avoid reversal of the results. The patients are advised to maintain a steady diet and exercise routine before the surgery. Some other additional tips for preparing for a BBL includes:

  • Maintaining a stable healthy weight
  • Quit smoking
  • Quit alcoholism
  • Plan ahead for the recovery period
  • Continue exercising normally
  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Commit to maintaining a stable weight after the surgery
  • Set realistic expectations for the surgery

The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or legal advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more

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