The Emotional Journey of Surrogacy in Canada
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The Emotional Journey of Surrogacy in Canada 

Pregnancy comes with mood swings and other notable changes in a woman. Where surrogacy is involved without monetary involvement, there are sacrifices to be made by all parties involved. In the cases of altruistic practices, the emotional journey of surrogacy in Canada needs more highlights. The surrogates and the intended parents usually have to make changes to their everyday activities. Constant communication and regular updates between both parties, usually through an agency, are needed but may not be easy.

Surrogacy is designed to provide a child with a genetic relationship to people who would otherwise find it impossible to have them. The intended parents take the baby after delivery and assume legal parenthood over the baby, as well as parental responsibilities. Surrogacy is not a straightforward process. There are a lot of steps and processes that go into the planning and execution of the treatment. Significant financial investment is needed to successfully carry it out. Research and consultations from professionals, medical and mental fitness testing as well as legal considerations are all necessary for surrogacy. 

The Emotional Journey of Surrogacy in Canada
Picture courtesy: Freepik

Surrogacy in Canada 

Surrogacy is subject to different laws in different countries due to its controversial nature. In Canada, surrogacy is also open to all, but it must be altruistic. Thus, it is against the law for a surrogate to make money off of a surrogacy procedure. Also, Canada requires a surrogacy contract or agreement signed by all the parties before the surrogacy treatment is done. This surrogacy agreement is also usually required by clinics before they can agree to do artificial insemination or an embryo transfer on the surrogate. The agreement may be used as evidence of intent by the intended parents in case there is a dispute after the delivery. After the birth of the child, there will be a birth registration and parental declaration. The surrogacy lawyer will do these. 

What is the Emotional Journey of Surrogacy in Canada about? 

For the Surrogate 

Surrogate mothers go through different kinds of emotions throughout the surrogacy journey. This is why priority is placed on physical and psychological assessments at the beginning. Agencies screen surrogates; they must meet some criteria before acceptance into the program.

Happiness and Pride in Helping:

Due to the altruistic nature of surrogacy practised in Canada, surrogates usually offer to help the intended parents. They are not forced to do so and this is the beauty of it. The happiness that comes with being able to aid in the formation of another family unit is a motivation.


It is almost impossible to prevent the feelings of attachment that form during pregnancy. This is why a chief criterion for becoming a surrogate mother is that she must have already given birth. The chances of getting too attached are usually reduced in previous mothers. This is also seen in mature mothers above 21. That is why there is an age range specification.


Feelings of anxiety arise with the need for medical appointments regularly in the course of the journey. From fertility treatments to prenatal checkups, anxiety and concerns over well-being will arise.

Some people underestimate the value of constant communication between all parties involved. Some agencies insist on daily or weekly check-ins. This might cause anxiety for some surrogates who are not used to it.


Sometimes, this emotion is not talked about. In cases where there is a need for bed rest or other issues that arise, the surrogate might experience fear. Pregnancy is a crucial period as it can lead to stillbirth or miscarriages. Emotions are heightened, especially when medical emergencies come up. This is why medical checkups and updates are required often during the entire process.

Postpartum Feelings:

From handing over the baby to recovering physically, the surrogate will experience some strong emotions. She needs her support system to aid in the transition process. This cannot be overemphasized.

For the Intended Parents 

The intended parents are not left out during the emotional journey of surrogacy in Canada.

Feelings of Appreciation and Relief:

It is not an easy process to come to terms with infertility in couples. The moment they find a surrogate willing to help them add to their family, they experience great joy. Finding a surrogate that matches their values and is willing to undergo this process is a good thing. There is a rush of thankfulness and relief.

Concerns about Wellbeing:

Intended parents usually get concerned about the well-being of the surrogate mother and the child. Sometimes, they get so concerned and worry about the health and emotions of the surrogates. They are concerned for a smooth pregnancy and safe delivery.

Worry about Attachment:

Pregnancy brings about feelings of attachment between mother and child. Intended parents often feel anxiety that the surrogate will get too attached and change her mind. This is why it is important to use a surrogacy agency. They will ensure that there is a signed surrogacy agreement so the surrogate will not change her mind.

Anxiety over communication:

Sometimes, the intended parents might feel guilty about over-communicating with the surrogate. They might feel like they are interfering with her regular activities. Usually, some surrogacy agencies act as the middlemen during the process. This is to ensure that no party is overwhelming the other.

Societal judgment:

Everyone is not enlightened about the benefits of surrogacy. This is why most intended parents prefer to undergo the process privately. This is because they do not want to be judged about their decision to undergo surrogacy.

Process of surrogacy in Canada

The surrogacy agreement usually states the following:

  • That the surrogate will be the birth mother of the child 
  • The intended parents will receive the child after they are born. The child’s legal parents will be the intended parents. 
  • The intended parents will take on the role of the child’s legal parents. 

In the absence of a surrogacy agreement before the birth of the child, the birth mother is considered the legal parent of the child. After the contract, the surrogacy treatment begins, and the surrogate then becomes pregnant. It is this section of the surrogacy treatment that is the most emotional aspect. In some instances, the process is done once. The surrogate becomes pregnant, has an uncomplicated pregnancy and delivers. This is the ideal situation, but surrogacy is not a perfect science. 

Issues that are encountered can range from 

  • scarcity or poor quality of eggs or sperm from the intended parents, 
  • embryo malformations and death, 
  • early or late-term miscarriages by the surrogate or even stillbirths. 

This is why surrogacy requires professional counselling of both the surrogate and the intended parents throughout the process and even for some time after the surrogacy process. 

What happens after the birth of the child?

The following must happen for the intended parents to become the legal parents of the child: 

  • None of the parties must have withdrawn from the contract before the conception and delivery of the child 
  • The surrogate will provide a written statement after the birth of the child surrendering it to the intended parents 
  • The intended parents then take the child into their care

There are also instances where the intended parents agree to parent the child with the surrogate before the conception. The surrogate and the intended parents will all be legally recognized as the child’s parents.

The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. It is not intended to replace professional medical consultation, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. Read more

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